Friday, May 14, 2010

Because..a long distance relationship is hard on both sides

Two people fall deeply in love, Haruto and Eba. Days go by, together they build their love, each day with smiles and laughs, with patience and understanding. Every day that passes only gets better, they love each other more and more.

Eba had finished high-school and was soon to transfer. Mountains and seas away. Long distance they both hoped upon. Wearing out each day watching every passing sunrise without being able to see or hold each other, for at least the better part of a year. The girl starts feeling suspicious, she hears rumors of his boy, seeing other girls, seeing.. Kanzaki.

Of course it isnt true, Haruto embellishes his love for Eba, even more-so when it all started long-distance. But it sure set a scene, painful nights of uncertainty. She starts to feel disoriented. She is very beautiful and always stood out as attractive, but certainly feels the total opposite, very much like every girl out there, not believing that each has something different to offer than every other. Long distance makes her easy prey, guys start hunting. In quiet acquiescence, she does little to avoid Kyousuke. Allowing him to play her on.

Memories of her lover, now of old, begin to fade. She decides, that she cannot go on. To Haruto she says "Let's call it a day". Too busy with studies, too busy with anything else. What all Haruto interprets is "No time for you, need more time for everything else".

She gets with the new guy, Eba and Kyousuke, the hot new romance starting with a devastating heartbreak of Haruto, the one of old. Still pondering the reasons for things to happen as it did, he heard nothing about him for almost two months. Word spread, he found out. The truth was "no time for you, want another boyfriend who is here for me". It destroyed him.

"Because..a long distance relationship is hard on both sides.
So just because of that she gets a boyfriend and breaks up with you.
That's just too cruel" - quote character Asuka to Haruto.

This story, is my summary of the original title "Kimi no iru machi" which translates to A Town Where You Live. I began reading this romance manga on the 24th of January. My girlfriend left to study 4 days earlier, 20th January. My life changed much since then. Long-distance did not work out for me, 20 months of a good life, lost to 5 weeks of long-distance, and she has a new boyfriend. I am writing in awe of the irony that take place in our lives, writing so that I will never forget, this experience of a hard-earned past which taught me that...

Love is not something you want to find, love is something you wish you made.. It is never true love, unless both holds it to be, and that the journey of love is a two person row-boat with only one life-jacket. Only one person can break apart(there is only one jacket) and if that person does, you are left alone, and you have no choice but to row. Only rowing one side, you end up going in circles and circles. You will feel lost, you will cry and you will hurt and feel alone. But that is only until you find the right partner, to row with you through the harshest waves and the deadliest storms. To each his own, and to me this is love.

When I meet you one day, I will be your life-jacket. I love you, my future sweetheart.
